From the editor: 20 January 2022

And a Happy New Year

We’re all well into the New Year now, and on many fronts hoping that it will be better than the last.

I learnt a long time ago that there really is no such thing as luck. Life is what you make it, and preparedness helps. Remember the Boy Scout motto ‘Be Prepared’? That’s good advice, especially in times of crisis.

Of course, we don’t know what lies ahead, however certain events during the last decade should have taught us a few lessons, such as having a ‘go-bag’ ready in case the earth shakes, rattles and rolls, stocking up on a few tinned goods, a roll or six of toilet paper in case of a lockdown, and having a list of emergency numbers.

Being prepared is not just for the bad things that happen in life; it includes preparedness for anything that life throws at you and yours.

Setting new goals (short and long term), getting and staying fit, and re-focusing on what matters most to you are terrific ways to start. People set all kinds of personal goals to help themselves grow, such as learning new skills, taking up a craft, or a personal development course.

Personal goals often lead to a more fulfilling life, yet setting work goals is also important, helping to ensure professional success. Combined they should equate to a better life.

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