Leading the way with Maria O’Halloran

Running a department store in this day and age isn’t easy, yet chief executive of Ballantynes Maria O’Halloran is leading the way with new ideas, and expansion. Metropol Editor Lynda Papesch caught up with her after the recent opening of the company’s new Invercargill store. Since the age of 22, Maria O’Halloran has been running […]

Editor’s picks: with Lynda Papesch

Here at Metropol, our team is lucky enough to receive some of the latest beauty and fashion products to try, so we thought we’d share some with our readers. This issue, I’m suggesting you try a couple of new and exciting offerings, one to improve those fine lines and wrinkles, and the other to envelop […]

Hot stuff

A warm home is vital for your comfort and health. The World Health Organisation recommends a minimum indoor temperature of 18°C, while recommendations for children, older people, and those with chronic illnesses are even higher. From the return of radiators to infra-red wall heaters, and ducted air systems, options are numerous for heating today’s homes, […]

Editor’s perspective: Fireworks

Guy Fawkes went off with a bang as usual earlier this month. Along with it came an assortment of missing and traumatised animals, fires, injuries, and calls for its abolition. While I enjoy fireworks displays, and sparklers especially, I’m not a fan of uncontrolled crackers, snaps, smoke balls, fountains, rockets, and wheels. Rather I’m not […]

Showing up with Tracy Ahern

Everyone loves a show, and Tracy Ahern is no exception. Metropol editor Lynda Papesch caught up with her ahead of The New Zealand Agricultural Show, for which she is general manager. Tracy Ahern loves animals and shows, and it is just as well. Tracy spends her mornings, afternoons, and sometimes weekends, planning around numerous farm […]

Experience the magic

Marlborough is many things to many people, and its sheer versatility is one aspect that makes it a popular destination. Think fine wine, gourmet food, sparkling seas, convivial hosts, and an array of tempting tourism opportunities, and you’ll just scratch the surface of what’s on offer. Having lived in Marlborough for 25 plus years, I’m […]

Editor’s Note: Kia ora

Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa. Greetings to you all. This issue comes to you during Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, otherwise known as Māori Language Week. Celebrated in Aotearoa since 1975, this week is an opportunity for the promotion of te reo Māori, helping to secure its future as a rich and […]

Editor’s perspective: Working together

For the last decade, New Brighton’s retail centre has been Christchurch’s poor relation, a far cry from its heyday as a popular beach destination. Earthquake damage, land banking, and a lack of community consensus have all contributed to what was once a thriving seaside settlement deteriorating into a ramshackle collection of businesses with no holistic […]

Reimagining New Brighton

New Brighton finally appears to be on the way to enjoying a renaissance. How much of a renaissance it is now depends on the local community, and support of the Christchurch City Council’s annual plan, plus getting behind Greater New Brighton. The latter is a community-led development programme, founded to enhance the social and economic […]

Editor’s perspective: Bridal bliss

This issue, Metropol brings you inspirational nuptial ideas, and suggestions, direct from many locals who make all the wedding magic happen. Celebrants, event planners, photographers, venue owners, caterers, dress designers, and many more, put their heads together and combine their talents to create a perfect occasion for each happy couple. That’s no mean feat. Christchurch […]