Feed the masses

These days it might take a little more than a couple of fish and some loaves of bread to fill up a lot of hungry bellies, especially with all sorts of dietary requirements to consider as well. Hiring a professional will take all the stress out of it, and ensure yummy edibles for all. Here are a few options to consider.

Grazing Tables
Perfect for smaller more intimate events such as a launch event or workshops where a smaller meal or snack will suffice between sessions. This option is more relaxed and opens the floor for mingling.

Family style
Similar to a buffet, but the set menu is delivered to the table in bigger portions for everyone to share and self-serve, just like a family dinner. This style catering works well for a more intimate setting such as weddings.

Big events, whether wedding or corporate, often work well
with a buffet option so that there are plenty of options available to suit most dietary requirements. It will need an organised plan of serving though as guests usually go table by table.

Plated / Plate Drop
Add a touch of formality to your event with a sit-down meal. Usually the catering choice at weddings, this can be pre-determined by guests choosing their protein on the RSVP or the servers alternate the options on the table. This is a great option for formal events where less disruption is needed.

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