The rise and fall of the nerd neck

In days long gone, ramrod straight backs were synonymous with good deportment. Girls were made to walk with books on their heads to perfect good posture. Even today many mothers tell their children not to slouch, and to stand up straight, with shoulders back and chests out. Posture is still often evoked to represent the […]

Start checking early: The Endoscopy Clinic

Which age range do we traditionally think of as being most likely to develop bowel cancer? The answer is people in the 60 to 74 year old age group and indeed this group can now be checked for bowel cancer through the National Bowel Screening Programme. Gastrointestinal surgeon, Ross Roberts of the Endoscopy Clinic in […]

Eyeing up education: Anstice Optometrists

A recent study on New Zealand school children showed 30 percent of Year 2 children had a vision condition likely affecting their academic performance. Pre-school vision screening, while effective at detecting severe visual conditions, does not screen children for reading vision. Problems with close-range focus can lead to decreased reading rate, accuracy and comprehension, says […]

Wellness at Flow Wellbeing

Flow Wellbeing is the biggest wellbeing centre in New Zealand. Flow Yoga Balance, energy, harmony, strength, and growth through yoga. Flow Yoga aims to help you realise your full potential, at whatever stage you are in your yoga journey. With so much choice of class types, and two studios, there is something for everyone. The […]

The waves of wellness

Every year we see wellness trends come and go. Let’s take a look back at some of the all-time greats of the last decade and see what has stuck the course. Gut health When research emerged that gut microbiota play a fundamental role in our health, it became a huge focus in the wellness industry. […]

Living healthy, living well

“You can’t pour from an empty cup” – Joseph Fleming Taking care of others comes naturally to most of us. Our children, our parents, our cherished friends, we don’t think twice about looking after them. So why do so many people struggle to take care of their own health and wellbeing? Wellness is now recognised […]