Editor’s Perspective: 29 August 2019
“In a world where you can be anything, be kind.” – Jennifer Dukes Lee
Dear Friday night emailer,
I usually start my email responses with ‘thank you for your email’. Unfortunately, in this case, I cannot do that.
I’m unsure if I’m more shocked or saddened by what you chose to email me; a complete stranger and someone for which you had no idea of what was going on in my life at that moment.
You mentioned your letter to the editor was not ‘publishable’ and I agree, but it was also not ‘send-able’. Yet for some reason, you thought it was OK to send it to me. Is it because the act of emailing de-humanises the recipient? Because I suspect – or at least I hope – that the email you sent me wasn’t how you would speak to your own family; your own friends; even your own acquaintances. If you’re about to click ‘send’ on an email you wouldn’t want someone sending your own child, then don’t click send.
I’m not sure whether it was Tiki Taane’s tattoos or mohawk that offended you so. Had you read the associated article, you would have found that there is so much more to Tiki than tattoos and a mohawk.
In fact, you would have found the back story of one of this country’s most prodigious talents; the story of a father; of a partner; of someone’s son; the inspiring story of how music saved him and of the beautiful way he proposed to the love of his life, with their children alongside.
I’m not angry with you for sending that email. If anything, I’m sad for you. I’m sad because the world is a big, vibrant melting pot of diversity and you’re never going to see the beauty in that.