Dive into the 21st century: Lagoon Pools
Swimming pools are so much more than places to cool off in. They can create a fulfilling leisure lifestyle for families, a focus for gatherings and a wonderful way to enjoy exercise.
People’s expectations of what a pool should be have also become more sophisticated. That’s a fact the Australian manufacturers of the Leisure Pools range of fibreglass swimming pools are well aware of.
“There are always new pool designs being developed, along with new accessories that utilise the latest technology,” says Julie Hastings of Lagoon Pools, the South Island dealer for Leisure Pools. “To keep up to date with new products, we have recently attended the Leisure Pools’ biennial conference in Brisbane. Automation is the latest innovation.”
Automation can bring a swimming pool into the 21st century by enabling pool owners to monitor and control their pool’s equipment from their smart devices. “You can regulate your pool and spa heater when away and turn on your lights and fountain for a lovely aesthetic effect when you arrive home.”
Aesthetics are certainly a major factor in today’s pool designs. “One of the most attractive pools we have is the Absolute. It’s fashionable and chic, yet versatile and very practical with its built-in spa integrated seamlessly into the overall pool design.”
You can contact Lagoon Pools on Freephone 0800 927 282. The website www.lagoonpools.co.nz details the full range of services, including fountain installation and landscaping, as well as showcasing various pool options.