Defying the odds
Marty Murchison, owner of Master Builder Murchison Homes, lives his life defying the odds. When you meet this rather enigmatic character, a feeling of ‘anything really is possible’ is immediately impressed upon you. It might be his signature laugh. Perhaps it’s his smarts and gumption. It could be his zest for life. More than likely, it’s a combination of all of these things that makes Marty so genuinely likeable and trustworthy.
A man of his word, Marty has lived his life giving his ambitious goals the wings to fly. At 20, he bought his own house, which in itself is a remarkable feat for someone earning $30,000 a year at the time. But then you add an intense case of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome into the equation and herein lies the knack for defying the odds.
Chronic Fatigue is a disease characterised by profound exhaustion, among other symptoms, that are exacerbated when the person suffering exerts themselves. In spite of this, Marty found reprieve and rehabilitation by chipping away at renovating his new doer-upper. “When I found I had the energy to get on the tools, there was no place I’d rather be.”
Restless to challenge himself further, at 22, Marty declared his intent to be mortgage free by 23. The plan that he concocted and cleverly executed was nothing short of genius. He negotiated with the former Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) to buy an otherwise derelict red zone property which he relocated and renovated.
“The only limitation is what you believe is possible. When you decide what you believe, you will see what you can achieve.”
The best part of this story is that Marty is about to help someone else defy the odds. Enter The Great Build Up, an inaugural initiative that will change the life of one deserving individual or couple.
If you are a first home buyer, and meet the right financial criteria, Murchison Homes wants to hear from you. Marty is offering to build one individual or couple a beautiful home in Ravenwood, Canterbury and will pay the mortgage on this home for a whole year, up to the value of $25,000.
In return, this individual or couple will agree to their home becoming a showhome on weekends, with one weekend off a month. “First and foremost, it is a privilege to be able to help an individual or couple get ahead in life. It’s also an opportunity for us to reimagine the showhome experience.”
Entries close 5pm, Sunday 10 November 2019 with shortlisting, interviewing, and selection taking place by Saturday 7 December 2019. Building will commence Monday 20 January 2020. Visit www.murchisonhomes.co.nz to enter and for full terms and conditions.