Set out to explore the ebbs and flows of an iconic part of our geography in Aotearoa, COAST is the new exhibition running this month at PG gallery192.

The exhibition features thoughtful works across a variety of media by Josh Bashford, Jacqui Colley, Maurice Lye, Jenna Packer, and more. Immersing yourself in this diverse array of paintings, prints, and photographs gives the feeling of the strange interactions and strong contrasts inherent to New Zealand’s coastal settings.

Exhibition curator Marian Maguire says the shifting geography of the coast has always put her in a particular mood. “It’s all about being there in an interactive space. The people, the weather, the coastline. There is a restless, constant change to the coast.”

Grappling with themes of erosion and transition, the assembled works of COAST gesture at the feeling of being lost in a moment of thought. This exhibition will resonate particularly to those invested in the natural drama and romance of the parts of our country where the distant oblivion of the sea swallows land itself.

IMAGE: Moorings [Stranded Assets II] by Jenna Packer

COAST: June 4 – July 5
at PG gallery192
192 Bealey Avenue

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