Big show day out

Sheep shearing, wood chopping, rodeo, highland dance, vintage machinery, archery, dog trials and even an alpaca display are on the agenda for the largest one-day agriculture show in New Zealand, the Mackenzie A&P Highland Show.



Scheduled for Easter Monday, the Fairlie show is set to be a bumper family day out for lovers of agriculture, highland dance, live music and kids’ entertainment.

With over 400 sites, a packed schedule of music and live entertainment as well as livestock and produce judging awaits for the 123rd show.

Cuisine will also be covered on the day, with not only cooking, wine, beer and fermented drink for judging – but available to be purchased and enjoyed on site, too.

Live entertainment this year includes Craig Smith aka the Wonky Donkey author and musician, Josh Grimaldi the magician, a rodeo show, wearable arts, wood chopping, archery, an alpaca display, highland dance, piping, drumming and more.

Stalls will showcase the best of local agriculture with sheep and wool judging, equestrian, goats, poultry and caged birds. Farm products, flowers, arts, crafts and needlework are also on display and up for judging, culminating in the wearable arts and upcycling fashion competition.

The Centennial Mackenzie Highland Show book is also available for purchase, for those interested in learning more about the event’s rich – and long – history.

Check out the show on April 5 at the Mackenzie A&P Showgrounds, Gillingham Street, Fairlie. Buy tickets on the day or find out more information at website below.


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