Add a little joy: Marg’s Cup of Joy

People enjoy drinking coffee for all kinds of reasons – for its delicious taste, for its warmth and comfort and because it is a great beverage to enjoy with friends on social occasions.

Such social occasions might include weddings, hen parties or stag dos, especially those in the country or other outdoor settings. Margs McGill has a mobile coffee van called the Little Cup of Joy that is perfectly suited to serving the beloved drink for any occasion or event.

Margs doesn’t need to plug into a power source. Her van is totally self-contained.

She simply parks up on a site – be it a field or a beach. Very experienced barista Margs serves every type of coffee a customer might fancy. She also makes hot and iced chocolate as well as iced coffee.

For that something a little different for your wedding or other special event give Margs a call.

022 677 1406

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