A healthy smile: Duxton Dental wants to make sure you have something to smile about
Let’s not forget our bottom teeth.
Research tells us that whether you had braces or not and whether you have wisdom teeth or not, your bottom front teeth will crowd with age. As the teeth concertina up at the front they can cause extra pressure onto the back of the top teeth when you bite together and then move or chip your upper teeth. Crooked teeth are more difficult to clean and your gum health can deteriorate.
With age you also show more of your bottom teeth and less of your top teeth as gravity takes its toll. So the bottom teeth are more visible when you talk or smile.
For these reasons it is now recommended internationally that the retainer wires that are placed after braces are left there forever and replaced if needed.
If you notice your bottom teeth crowding as an adult, modern orthodontics can correct the problem in as little as eight weeks. Often invisible braces are an option. Once the bottom teeth are straight, any chips or wear on the top and bottom teeth can be replaced and that lovely youthful smile can return.
Duxton Dental’s expert team can also discuss reliable tooth whitening options for the return of that extra sparkle.
As part of a very thorough new patient examination, Duxton Dental completes a smile assessment to discuss all your cosmetic concerns and options. For more information visit duxtondental.co.nz or phone 03-348 5488.