Survive in the dry

Canterbury is due for a scorching summer so if you’re planning on planting a garden, it might be worth thinking about drought-resistant plants.

Portulaca is a bright and beautiful low-growing ground cover
with succulent-like leaves. They tolerate many kinds of soil but prefer sandy, well-drained soil and love full sunlight.

They will adapt to the amount of sun they get but will do best in sunny spots.

Not a surprise, succulents can survive a long time without water. Even better some succulents will flower if the conditions are right.

Flaxes and grasses
In Aotearoa, we are spoiled for choice when it comes to flaxes and grasses. There is a huge range available that thrive in sunny, dry conditions. Some are lomandra, libertia, carex, and phormium.

Even though drought conditions can lead to your most vibrant flowers dying off, that won’t be the case with agapanthus. This flower is so hardy tat it has earned an official weed status in some regions. Try the miniture varieties.

A delicious smelling, hardy perennial herb. Looks lovely as a garden border or low hedge, and in pots. Rosemary doesn’t require much water, and loves a warm sunny spot.

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