Saving face: Lovebite
One of the first things you notice about someone is their smile. Being a focal point of the face, it draws many an eye. That’s why for a lot of people losing confidence in their grin, the move to dentures is a saving grace, or more appropriately, saving face. Metropol catches up with Richard Greenlees from Lovebite, to get the downlow on dentures.
Do dentures always look false?
Absolutely not! I work closely with each patient to reclaim their smile. Each case is unique, combining skill, experience, knowledge, and revolutionary techniques, I can create beautiful bespoke dentures that reflect each patient’s individuality.
What services do you offer?
A full denture service, this includes full dentures, metal partial dentures, implant supported dentures and first-time immediate dentures. In addition to dentures I also do crown and bridge work, veneers, and implant work in conjunction with likeminded dental surgeons.
My face appears to have lost volume, can this be corrected?
This is possible, the structure and shape of a patient’s face can be transformed. To attain this top level of treatment (Oral Lift) and for best results I need the patient to work with me. Some people who have had their teeth taken out when they were young, over time experience bone loss (losing volume in the face). This is what I work on to recreate a more youthful appearance. This is a treatment that requires patience as it is a big change and when a patient first sees the transformation it can be a big surprise for them but once they look at the whole picture i.e the improvement to facial structure they are really happy. This Oral Lift is not for all people but more the discerning patient who is looking for a transformation and something special, a change and a lift.
Phone 03 379 1222 or email richard@lovebite.com