6 personality traits that you can improve using digital tools 

Most of us has at one point or another thought about how we could improve ourselves. We either want to be more spontaneous or more positive, etc. In this article, we will provide a few digital tools that could help you develop a better you. 

Spontaneous: MeetUp 

A great challenge for many is how to become more spontaneous. It might feel like a characteristic that you have to be born with in order to master. However, that is a preconception we need to rid ourselves of, because there are apps such as MeetUp that make it easier to jump on the spontaneity train.    

MeetUp is a website and an app where you can search for activities you’re interested in that are taking place near you. The search results shows you what, when, and how many are attending the various events as well as other event information. MeetUp is great for meeting new people or doing things together as you can both attend or add your own group/event to the platform!  

 Risk-taking: Online Casinos 

Perhaps the scariest but simultaneously most helpful characteristic to develop in order to attain the others is a risk-taking mentality. Being open to testing boundaries and trying new things – e.g. taking risks – is key to being able to develop a braver personality. A fun way to practise risk-taking and your challenger-mindset is by trying online casinos 

Online casinos offer a wide range of games including slots, poker, and betting. These platforms have developed and are now more secure than ever, and there are a wide range of bonuses and free spins available for new and seasoned users. Even so, one should always take calculated risks: never play for more than you’re willing and able to lose.  

Globally aware: NYT Newsletters 

Being aware of global ongoings doesn’t have to take up all your time. It also doesn’t have to mean scrolling through one devastating picture after the other on your social media or watching endless hours on the TV. Instead, sign up for shorter morning reports from major newspapers! 

The New York Times, one of the leading newspapers in the world, is one of the news sources that offer reasonably short email send-outs called Newsletters. You can browse between their different Newsletters and choose between various themes, including the basic daily Morning/Evening summary of hot global topics, climate news, specific conflict updates, etc. Several of these are available to non-subscribers, and some offer free four-week trials.   

Stronger: Nike Training Club  

A great way to improve mental and physical health is by exercising. As there are hundreds of workout apps out there it might be difficult to find one that you like. The Nike Training Club app, which is available for both iOS and Android, is a great free app with attractive graphics that should interest most. The app offers up to 200 free workouts which focus on everything from yoga and mobility to strength and endurance.  

The app is great as it provides workouts between 5-50 minutes with ranging difficulty levels. There are workouts great for the home or for being on the road or when you have limited time. The app also features tracking features so that you can see your progress and stay motivated.    

Creative: SkillShare 

Those who watch creative content-providers on Youtube may already have heard the name SkillShare, who often features as a sponsor or partner. SkillShare is an online learning tool that features digital classes in everything from productivity to graphic design to leadership, etc. The platform offers a range of free classes and a massive amount of content for subscribers.  

 SkillShare invites both learners and teachers to join the platform, and even offers scholarships for a wide range of applicants every month.  

Productive: Freedom and Forest 

The availability of constant and instant information may affect motivation and productivity. The apps listed here are focused on getting you through your most focused minutes. Freedom is an app in which you set up your personal schedule during which the links and apps of your choosing will be blocked. This forces you to focus on the task at hand, and is completely customizable. It is available for Mac, Windows, Android, iOS, and Chrome. 

For those who might still feel restless, a more gamified version of Freedom is the Forest app. Whenever you need to focus, you open the app and put in a time-frame. The app will then plant and grow a tree which will be finished by the end of the session as long as you do not exit the app, in which case the tree will die. The app partners with Trees of the Future which plants trees in the real world, helping the climate. The app is available for a small fee.  

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From the editor: 21 July 2022

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