Prioritise your pelvis: Muscle People

Pelvic Health. What exactly is that, you may be thinking? Or maybe you have an idea, but aren’t sure. Certainly, it’s an area of healthcare that has previously been overlooked, or even worse, misunderstood. The reality is that pelvic disorders can affect women, men, and children. Pelvic health encompasses a wide range of symptoms ranging […]

At the gym

Regular workouts are a major part of many people’s lives. Here are some suggestions from Quest Nutrition on how to maximise time and effort at the gym. Fuel your success: Nutrition plays a pivotal role in achieving peak performance. Discover the art of balanced eating, ensuring you get the right mix of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, […]

Work it baby, work it

Exercise is one of the best ways to boost your heart health and overall wellbeing. What you might ask is the right amount and type of exercise? As with many things, the answer depends on goals, abilities, and limitations. Some people stack a visit to the gym on their way to work, others head out […]

Habit stacking

If you want to start a new habit and make it stick, stack it on to a regular existing routine so it becomes something you do automatically. New York Times #1 best-selling author James Clear redefined how to build better habits with his 2023 book Atomic Habits. James, with insight from a 2007 Oxford University […]

Science-based skincare

The term ‘skincare’ hit record highs on social media as a trend in 2023, and the popularity encouraged many brands, new and old, to jump on to the bandwagon creating skincare products. Thankfully, science is becoming the number one driver in skincare. Rightfully so, our skin deserves the best possible care, and noticeably now, most […]

Core blimey

Let’s face it, we’ve all had a sore back at some stage, and finding the time for a professional massage can be a pain in itself. Metropol’s Gadget Guru Ian Knott puts one home solution to the test. So you had a productive weekend in the garden, stacked the firewood, or dashed around the tennis […]

Perfectly positioned Pilates practice: Studio Pilates

Taking Pilates methodology to a new state-of-the-art wellness concepts level, and combining high-end studio chic with vibrant energy, is Studio Pilates, affectionately answering to: ‘Life’s too short for ordinary workouts’ as its mantra. This elegant hard-wood floor studio, in the heart of Merivale is single-handedly creating a happy, motivated community of Pilates enthusiasts with its […]

To supplement, or not

Health, beauty, physique – numerous Kiwis’ cupboards are filled with all manner of supplements for these. Dietary supplements in New Zealand are regulated under the Dietary Supplements Regulations 1985, which fall under the Food Act 2014. Additionally, dietary supplements containing ingredients from animals and animal products also need to comply with the Animal Products Act […]

Managing arthritis symptoms in summer heat

For many individuals living with osteoarthritis, seasonal changes, particularly the onset of summer, can exacerbate joint pain, making everyday activities more challenging. While it’s a common belief that temperature fluctuations impact arthritis symptoms, emerging evidence suggests that changes in barometric pressure may play a more significant role in joint pain and swelling. Barometric pressure, also […]

Can’t sleep?

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep, to stay asleep, or can cause you to wake up early. The condition can be short-term (acute), usually due to stress or a traumatic event, or can last a long time (chronic). It may also come and go. Acute insomnia lasts […]