Where Our Shadows Meet, a groundbreaking performance bridging worlds: Isaac Theatre Royal

In an era where storytelling has taken on myriad forms, Where Our Shadows Meet emerges as a poignant narrative that pushes the boundaries of language, communication, and connection.

Presented by the Isaac Theatre Royal (ITR) in collaboration with Equal Voices, this powerful production is a significant part of ITR’s new programming strategy, underscoring their commitment to diverse, inclusive, and innovative theatre.

At the heart of Where Our Shadows Meet lies the story of a father and daughter, separated not by distance, but by the chasm of language and experience. The daughter, in her quest for connection, retreats into a world of imagination, crafting a friend from bed sheets in an empty bedroom. Meanwhile, her father, grounded in the reality of his life, whispers reassurances to his infant daughter. The wall of photographs that maps out a life unfulfilled becomes a silent witness to their journey.

As the narrative unfolds, the boundaries between the imagined and the real begin to blur. What emerges is a vibrant, explosive world where the collision of two languages—spoken English and New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL)—creates a space for understanding, empathy, and love.

This performance transcends traditional storytelling by integrating physical theatre, live music, and a dual-language format, making it accessible and resonant for both deaf and hearing audiences, marketing manager Bianca Lindstrom says.

The experience has been lauded by experts and audiences alike for its innovative use of NZSL in theatre, with Richard Benge, MNZM of Arts Access Aotearoa, praising it as “the most innovative and collaborative use of NZSL anywhere in the New Zealand arts sector.” The physical storytelling has also received acclaim, with Dance Manchester describing it as “Physical Theatre at its storytelling best.”

The show’s impact on deaf audiences has been profound. Feedback from those who attended the premiere speaks to its emotional and powerful message. “A breathtaking performance,” said one deaf audience member, while another remarked on the show’s powerful message and how deeply it resonated with them.

Where Our Shadows Meet represents a significant step forward in the Isaac Theatre Royal’s ongoing commitment to accessibility and inclusivity in the arts. It’s a testament to the power of theatre to bridge divides, create connections, and speak to the universal experiences of love and loss.

See two worlds meet on 27 and 28 August. Purchase tickets at ticketek.co.nz

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