Wardrobe art needed: Nurse Maude
Sue Bramwell, Nurse Maude’s General Manager of Marketing, says most people do it at least once in their lives and some on a regular basis. It’s acquiring wardrobe art, that piece of clothing that looked perfect in the shop but has hung, unworn, in your wardrobe from the day you brought it home.
“There can be a bit of guilt associated with disposing of a piece of clothing or pair of shoes that has never seen the light of day,” Sue says. “But fortunately, we have the perfect solution. If you donate it to one of our seven hospice shops, then we can find it a perfect home and you just might find a perfect replacement to buy while you’re in there.
“Even better, your piece of wardrobe art is raising money to provide hospice palliative care and support free of charge to our patients and their families.” “Everyone who donates to, or buys from us is directly supporting the Nurse Maude Hospice,” Sue says, “offering you a great way to cull and revamp your wardrobe without feeling bad about saying goodbye to those clothes, shoes or accessories that you’ll never wear”.
While spring is not far away and summer soon after, the Nurse Maude Hospice Shops are still in need of good quality winter clothing, particularly women’s tops and jackets and larger sized women’s clothing.