Turn on the sun

As at December 2022, almost 46,000 solar power systems had been installed in New Zealand.

For new installations added in December 2022, the average residential system size was 5.7 kW and the average commercial system was 38.4 kW The benefits of using solar energy are constantly extolled, and many new builds are set up for solar, even if they don’t use it immediately.


Solar can be converted both into electricity and heat.

The sun’s rays are freely available at no cost, and thanks to advances in technology can be easily and efficiently harnessed for use in homes and commercial buildings.
Solar energy has less impact on the environment compared to other energy sources. It doesn’t produce greenhouse gases, or pollute the water. Unlike nuclear power plants, solar requires little water for its maintenance, and it doesn’t produce any noise, such as wind machines do.

Generating your own electricity means less dependence on an electricity supplier, being more self-reliant, and less money spent paying power bills.

Most council’s in New Zealand don’t require consent applications, indicating instead that they apply the use of section 43 of the Building Act 2004, which describes solar panel installations as energy work. Check with your local council, or ask your solar installer.

Nearly all Heritage-listed buildings require resource consent and strict zones may also require consent.

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