Time for a spring fling
Traditionally the days leading up to and the start of spring are a time to clean up and clean out, in other words a spring clean.
I prefer to think of it as a ‘spring fling’. I fling open curtains to let the light in, fling out clothes unworn for at least two years, fling aside winter woollies, throws and dark colours, and add freshness and light.
Sprucing up your home may be as simple as taking a few hours to wipe over and dust surfaces and add some fresh flowers or going the whole hog and setting aside a full day or weekend to tackle what needs to be done. Here are some suggestions:
Spring Cleaning Checklist
- Wash skirting boards, ceilings, window sills, doors, and walls.
- Vacuum and wash vents, including heat pump filters.
- Wash or dry clean curtains.
- Dust blinds.
- Wash windows – inside and out.
- Dust or wash overhead light fittings and replace burnt bulbs.
- Dust, vacuum or wash lamp shades.
- Wash and/or air bedding
- Wipe out cupboards & pantry
- Clean kitchen, bathrooms and laundry fittings, surfaces and appliances.