The sweet taste of summer
Peaches, apricots, nectarines, berries, watermelons, and a whole cornucopia of fruits are in plentiful supply, and ready to be enjoyed.
From biting into them fresh, to desserts, smoothies, cocktails, and baking, there are numerous ways to make the most of the season’s plentiful harvest.
Growing your own is one way to ensure sweet, juicy treats, although they’re readily available now at various markets, roadside stalls, and supermarkets, or pick-your-own market gardens.
Look for berries with firm skin and no wet patches. Biggest isn’t always best, and often fruit is sorted into sizes when packed so that they’re more sellable.
Fruit with smooth, intact and unblemished skin is best for eating fresh. Avoid shrivelled or wrinkled produce, as it is probably past its prime. Produce with holes or bruises may be cheaper, but will spoil faster, so don’t buy it unless you can use it right away.