The Influencers: John Bridgman

Shining bright.

Between Te Pae Christchurch and Cathedral Square you may have noticed a large, striking-looking black tower.

Adorned with rainbow discs and shiny, copper-coloured strips, it stands out against the Convention Centre’s braided river facade. The tower is the central feature of a new public space we’re delivering – Conduit Square.

It will be truly brought to life with the addition of some automated lighting, that will reflect off the tower and onto the surrounding area after sunset. In classic Covid style, the delayed arrival of our lighting experts from Auckland has been a bit of a speed bump in completing this space but their work will be worth the wait, as they’re also setting up something special for the grey wall on Gloucester Street.

The area around Te Pae Christchurch will be home to a set of new hotels in the future, but we could see no reason why you shouldn’t be able to enjoy the space in advance of that. So, you’ll see plenty of picnic tables and seating in Conduit Square to be used as a summer lunchtime spot.

We’ve also incorporated the necessary services for events to be held there and spill out onto the adjoining grass area. So, I would say watch this space – but in reality, once the light switch is thrown, you’ll struggle to miss it.

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