The brush and the benefits: Art Metro
Taking time out for your hobbies has mental health benefits and offers a sense of purpose. Art Metro student Sue Shannons is reaping the rewards at her weekly classes. 
Having always dabbled in art, the classes offered at the local art school sparked Sue’s interest. “I signed up with Art Metro in 2020. I was, however, immediately diagnosed with breast cancer and decided to cancel. Simon Walmisley [Art Metro owner] encouraged me to come when I was able, and it was great to have something to look forward to. Since joining, I have experimented in various forms of art and medium, and with my tutor Cristina’s encouragement, I feel able to try almost anything.”
Sue says she enjoys the informal style of the classes. “We all do pretty much what we want.” One thing she especially appreciates is the Art Metro tutor’s hands-off approach. They never alter their student’s work, giving instead encouragement and pointers on how to improve. Drawing her inspiration from other artists in her class and their works has given Sue the courage to have a go. “We have a great group of people. There is a lot of encouragement, laughter, and enjoyment. It really is a form of therapy.”
Enthusiastic about her artistic pursuits, Sue thinks more people should consider taking art classes. “I would encourage anyone who thinks they might like to have a go, to come along. You have no idea what hidden talents you may find,” she says.
Check out the variety of classes Art Metro offers and sign up to start your artistic journey via the website.