The bee’s best: The Hive, Springbank Honey
“Tiggers don’t like honey,” says Tigger in Winnie the Pooh. Contrarily, Pooh Bear loves honey, as do many Kiwis. That’s not surprising as our native honey is some of the best in the world.
A place to try the best of the best is The Hive Café at Springbank Honey in North Canterbury. “We established The Hive to give locals a chance to try and buy some of our unique honey varieties, much of it usually destined for international markets,” says co-owner Tracy Brown.
Some of the honey on offer can be produced only in New Zealand, floral flavours such as pohutukawa, rata, kamahi and manuka. “Unique to us is our organic manuka honey,” says Tracy. “This is from manuka grown on our family farm in the Lees Valley.”
Just 30 minutes from Christchurch, you can drink beautiful coffee, and indulge in a pie or a delicious slice at The Hive Café, all while perusing the range of honey extracted, blended, and packaged in the plant next door.
“We are passionate about producing a consistently high grade of honey free from chemicals and pesticides. It is certified and independently tested to ensure absolute pure quality. Apiarist and co-owner Steven Brown has been beekeeping for over 30 years. He is committed to producing honey that is a pleasure to consume.”
Swing by this honey of a café, get away from the city bustle and enjoy the beautiful mountain views.