Summoning Spring
All gardens beckon to be beautified in spring. Thankfully, the professionals can do those hard chores, making life so much easier.
Pruning may seem simple, but there’s a science to it. A great gardener will have the knack. A professional prune up is a sensible spring start, to help produce healthy roses and abundant summer fruits. Hedges will be starting to bush out in all directions, so enlist someone with the right tools to tackle this arduous job, safely.
Muddy-patched lawns might need re-sowing and fertilising as it’ll soon be time to relax on a carpet of lush green. Just like a vacuumed floor or well-made bed, gardens look finished with beautiful lawns.
It’s party time for weeds, so a great gardener will remove them by their resilient roots and create a cunning plan to mitigate an invasion of the weedy kind! They can prepare and replenish soils, mulch and fertilise, for a vegetable garden that reaps tasty rewards. Savvy advice for ongoing garden maintenance and problems make these green-fingered professionals worth every penny!
Mossy, mouldy paths and decks, suddenly seems so drearily drab in spring sunshine, so get someone in to carefully water-blast and freshly stain the deck, and see to those messy jobs, like clearing spouting and drains, and places rotting foliage and debris have accumulated.
If an area just doesn’t seem to work and no solution springs to mind, landscapers are creative creatures, brimming with practical, aesthetic ideas. Perhaps a patio, pergola, paved pathway, barbeque area, artwork, lighting, or releveling and terracing. Adding the right trees and shrubbery can shelter exposed areas, or add privacy and colour. Make the garden the most magnificent room of the home this summer!