Setting the standard: Food & Health Standards

It’s an organisation that provides a comprehensive range of services and solutions for many matters that affect human health and well-being.

Food & Health Standards should be a well-known household name, but because it works by partnering with district councils across the country it has perhaps been somewhat hiding its light under the proverbial bushel. Now, with new branding and a smart beautifully pictorial website, soon to be launched, Food & Health Standards is proudly proclaiming its existence.

Food safety has always been at the core of Food & Health Standard’s work. Their team of 16 approved verifiers check that the food control plans that are mandatory for every business making and selling food products in New Zealand, are adhered to, so that customers can be assured the products are safe to consume.

Food & Health Standards are the preferred contractor to councils across New Zealand because of their exceptional history and because they have the critical mass of trained staff (verifiers) needed to carry out the work. And there is lots of it – over 1200 verifications every year for the councils. That is hardly surprising when you consider the range of businesses involved in the food industry.

Food & Health has other strings to its bow as well. It is involved with environmental health, with alcohol licensing administration and with building management services.

The latest of its projects has been to establish its own water division known as Aquify NZ, to elevate a work programme that Food & Health Standards has been involved with for many years.

The main goals of Aquify NZ are to protect drinking water supplies, to maintain safe and reliable drinking water along with the improved delivery of waste and storm water.

This will be achieved through essential compliance and monitoring services through a dedicated team of nine experienced specialists. That team has so far tested approximately 20,000 drinking water samples each year.
We are all safer for the work of Food & Health Standards across its various divisions.

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