Personalised medicine: Cashel Pharmacy
Do you often feel like health advice is a one-size-fits-all? Or one size fits most?
You can now access personalised health advice based on your genetics, it is just a simple cheek swab and a consult away. DNA holds the blueprint for how your body responds to the world around it. At Unichem Cashel Pharmacy, we offer three different DNA testing options in our clinic.
These are some of the questions we get asked, and we can help you with:
What type of exercise is best for my

What food does my body thrive on?
How can I sleep better?
How can I help myself have more energy?
How can I better my mental well-being?
A personalised DNA report is not a short-term fix, these personalised recommendations are all based on scientific research and are designed for you and your genetic makeup.
Your genetic report is individualised to you. No two people have the same genes.
To find out more, call 03 595 1289 to book a complimentary 15 minute appointment at Cashel Pharmacy to see which of our three tests is suitable for you.