Nick Doig: The Influencers
CBD retail has enjoyed a positive start to 2019, with a very definite lift in interest from retailers eyeing Christchurch.

Colliers International, Christchurch
It’s been a waiting game up until now, with many of the larger players wanting to see the shape of the new CBD. But they’re clearly encouraged by what’s happening. Among recent retailers to sign in the city centre are Mi Piaci and Vodafone in Cashel Mall who will join Moochi and Nespresso in the new Guthrey Centre development; and Decjuba, Oobe and KFC in Colombo Street.
Progress on Riverside Retail & Farmers Market is well advanced with Ben & Jerry’s one of the latest signings. They will join homegrown brands Sergios Menswear, Alchemy and Cosmic. In total, there will be 30 independent food outlets, 40 fresh produce stalls and 15 retail boutiques. Due to open in September, this will be a fantastic boost to the western end of Cashel Mall.
Other exciting developments to come onstream towards the end of 2019 include Spark House at 2 Cathedral Square that incorporates dramatic retail space at ground level with a designated rooftop bar/restaurant. Work is already well advanced with completion due in October.
Directly opposite, work has recently begun on world renowned architect Shigeru Ban’s Braided Rivers project for Aotea Gifts, which will be an architectural gem on the Christchurch landscape. Both sites enjoy high profile on the corner of Cathedral Square, Colombo and Herford Streets.
Hopefully a sign of good things to come with the much needed revitalisation of Cathedral Square.