New Hanmer track

If Hanmer Springs is your holiday destination, check out a new Conical Hill walking track.

The Te Tihi o Rauhea/Conical Hill Loop Trail is around 6kms long, taking between 90 -120 minutes to walk.
The trail can be accessed from several points and the signs (such as the one pictured) can be followed in either direction.

For instance, if starting at the Cenotaph the walk goes up the rise into Hanmer Springs, north through the oaks crossing Jacks Pass Road into the centre of town crossing the road opposite about the 4 Square. From there it proceeds north to the top of the hill, and it is recommended you turn left at the top to the lookout.

Once back on the track, walk north again for a short distance and descend the east side turning left onto the Majuba Track. This is a steep section which may be omitted if you walk in the other direction.

At the bottom the walk passes two woodland ponds and a wetland area, down a set of stairs, crosses Jollies Pass Road, heading on to Brooke Dawson Reserve, and Leamington Street back to the Cenotaph. Hanmer Springs Community Board member Chris Hughey says he came up with the idea a few years ago, designed the route and the signs for it, and the board agreed to fund it. The Hanmer Springs Track Network Group was given the project to bring it to fruition.

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