Mining essential: Straterra Inc Chief Executive, Josie Vidal

The new Government needs to understand the role of mined minerals, including coal, as it picks up the renewable energy mantle.

Josie Vidal, Straterra Inc Chief Executive

There will be no energy transition without minerals and we make that clear in our submission on Measures for transition to an expanded and highly renewable electricity system.

We fully support the move to more renewable electricity generation. However, that doesn’t mean that New Zealand’s total electricity supply will, or should be, 100% renewable.

We support cutting red tape to drive a surge of investment in renewable electricity generation, which we understand is likely to be a policy of the new Government. The Government also needs to recognise New Zealand has the potential to supply some of the minerals needed to build renewable electricity capability, and to signal to global investors that New Zealand is open for business when it comes to mining.
Wind turbines, solar panels, and batteries are all made from mined minerals.

The global demand for minerals to reach decarbonisation goals far exceeds supply. That means New Zealand needs to develop an appropriate critical minerals strategy, as many other countries have done, sooner rather than later.

It’s important also that New Zealand coal production isn’t disrupted, as it is necessary to provide back-up to renewable electricity. This is needed for the times when the rain does not fall, the sun doesn’t shine, the wind doesn’t blow, and for when there are gas outages.


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