Looking to the future: Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce

For nearly 165 years, we’ve been the home and voice of business in Canterbury, and over the last few years, we’ve been working on what the next 165 might look like.

Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce Chief Executive

Our members are at the heart of everything we do, and we wanted to be ahead of the curve in anticipation of the changing nature of membership organisations and the workplace of tomorrow, so next month we will be transitioning to a new fit-for-purpose membership model.
Our new model will enable our members to choose the level of investment that best fits their business, and also offers them the flexibility to change their membership as their needs change.
Think of it as going from Sky TV to a Netflix model.

We have traditionally operated our membership tiering by the number of employees a business employs. Now we will be moving to a model that allows businesses to make a decision about the level of support they need based on their size and stage of business, with the ability to bolt on modules for specific sectors and as their needs evolve.

The uptake across the Canterbury community so far has been great, and we are very encouraged by the level of interest and anticipation from businesses.

I am looking forward to watching the impact our new model will have for our members and the business community in Canterbury – for more information or to learn more about how the Chamber can support your business, please head to our website, cecc.org.nz.

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