Here to help you: NZ Mortgages

As winter approaches and the frosty mornings creep their way into our weeks, it’s the perfect time to consider upgrading your home with eco-friendly solutions.

Major banks are currently offering great financing options, including 1% or even 0% interest loans targeted at clean, green energy improvements such as solar panels, double-glazing, Ultra-Low Emission Burner (ULEB) fireplaces, and upgrading your insulation.

Nathan Miglani, Director NZ Mortgages

For homeowners with at least 20% equity in their property and an existing mortgage with a bank or lender, these loans can provide up to $80,000 in funding for eco-upgrades. This is an excellent opportunity to increase your home’s energy efficiency and comfort while reducing your environmental footprint.


If your current lender doesn’t offer this type of loan, consider switching to a different lender to take advantage of these special deals. Keep in mind, though, that moving your mortgage might involve a loan establishment fee. Make sure you give us a call to discuss your options and if refinancing is the best solution for you.

Interested in making your home winter-ready while embracing sustainable living? Our team at NZ Mortgages is here to help.

Contact us today at 0800 100 300 or visit our website at to find out more about these financing options and how you can get started on keeping your home warm and dry.

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