Get moving this summer: Muscle People Physio

We wait all year for warm days in the sun, and finally, summer is just around the corner. With these warmer days comes the joy of getting outdoors, moving our bodies, and feeling strong.

As we start to move our bodies more and return to sporting activities that we haven’t done since last summer, niggles and pains can surface. An important rule to remember is: don’t push into the niggle. If there is anything not feeling quite right, get ahead of the game and get it checked out before that niggle becomes something you can’t ignore.

Whether you’re picking up from where you left off at the end of the season or if you’ve tried something new over the cooler months, it’s worth making sure you’re moving in a way that not only maximises your effort but also doesn’t cause a problem down the track.

Now is the best time, before the season picks up, to be proactive in your fitness journey and get the most from your exercise regime.

Your Muscle People Physio can assess how you are moving and then make recommendations with the goal of preventing musculoskeletal injuries and maximising your exercise program.

Muscle People also continue to offer its incredibly beneficial Dynamic Spines programme. Designed to help strengthen the core, this supports the strength, mobility, and healing of the spine.

Neck, upper back, and lower back pain as well as core and postural weaknesses are all addressed within Dynamic Spines physiotherapist-led therapeutic exercises.

With over 20 years experience in Christchurch, Muscle People’s team of physiotherapists are experts at helping clients get from pain to performance.

With their combined knowledge and longevity in the health space, you can be assured you are in great hands when dealing with painful and hard-to-treat injuries.

Whatever your choice of movement this summer, be it tennis, cycling, cricket, swimming, or running after the kids, be sure to get your body ready for an active season in the sun.

Muscle People has clinics in Bishopdale and Wigram Skies, as well as Christchurch City physiotherapy clinic on Hereford Street. Get in touch today, call 0800 027 194, or book an appointment online.

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