Flowers from the heart: Victoria Florists
We have long celebrated big events with flowers and when it comes to big events, they don’t come much bigger than the wedding day.
After all, no wedding is complete without beautiful blooms, whether they are for décor, accessories or bouquets. Delivering the most beautiful displays for your big day is Victoria Florists. For Leanne Lovell and her team, floristry has always been more than just flowers. It’s about creating something really special and personal for their customers, turning their talented hands to beautiful, imaginative designs from the freshest blooms.
Since taking over Victoria Florists six months ago, they have transformed the premises on the corner of Idris and Wairakei Roads. With a cosy vintage feel, it is a welcoming and warm atmosphere for all their clients. Leanne would like to thank all her loyal customers and welcome new customers to have a look around. Phone 03 351 7444 or email flowers@victoriaflowers.co.nz.
For more information, visit www.victoriaflorists.co.nz.