Taking care of family: Hawker Velvet
Looking after family is a priority for many, and family often includes a furry best friend. Pets are a special addition to a household. They bring so much joy and companionship, and so giving them a healthy and happy life is important to many owners. New Zealand company Hawker Velvet understands this and created a […]
Run towards your goal: Muscle People
With the running season arriving, many of us will be seeking ways to lift our game. Good running technique will make your runs feel less tiring, reduce your risk of injury, and ultimately be more enjoyable. Muscle People Physiotherapists specialise in assessing and improving running techniques, whether you are a competitive runner or just running […]
We’ve probably all been there: Hundy
Had a big night out and woken up the next morning (or afternoon) feeling dusty and jaded. Work is waiting but it’s the last place you feel like going. That bad morning feeling is the inspiration behind Hundy, a unique, all natural formula that supports the body’s recovery and the liver’s natural detoxification process by […]
Yoga with soul: Soul Studio
A place to find warmth and quiet, strength and stability. Having settled into their home at 25 Mandeville Street late last year, Soul Studio Hot Yoga has become a much-loved place for members to practise their yoga locally. Laughter, kindness and expertise accompany the stretching, breathing and mindful movement experience at the beautiful yoga studio. […]
Keeping you active: Beckford Sports
We all deserve to be injury free and perform at our best, from backyard cricketeers to service personnel and elite athletes. Beckford Sports takes an holistic approach to patient management from the time of injury through the rehabilitation process to ongoing performance improvement. The clinic’s dedicated and experienced team of doctors and health professionals specialise […]
Pilates for everybody: Freedom Health
“I’m too old for Pilates”. “I’m too embarrassed to exercise within a group”. “I don’t own any fancy workout gear”. These are just some of the fears Freedom Health hear from people when they are recommended to try Pilates. And who can blame them when so many images advertising Pilates show fitness models in crop […]