Being sun smart
The delightful blossoming of tulips and daffodils comes along with an increase in harmful UV rays. While it’s important to wear sunscreen every day of the year, spring is a good time to remind ourselves to keep our skin safe from the sun. Wear sunscreen Not just any sunscreen, make sure it is SPF30 or […]
Stand up
Many of us spend much of our day sitting down. Even if we exercise regularly, the rest of the time that we spend not moving can be bad for us. Researchers have found that too much sitting is linked to a range of health problems including several diseases and even some types of cancers. Even […]
Focused on feet: Footprints Podiatry
Footprints Podiatry has been fortunate in the addition of podiatrist Leah Blondell to their team. Having spent the past three years based in Auckland, Leah couldn’t be happier to find herself working back in her home city of Christchurch and looks forward to a long career in her chosen profession. Leah works on all podiatry […]
Trim up
Summer is just around the corner and now’s the time when many thoughts turn to losing a bit of excess weight. Here’s some helpful advice from naturopath Nikki Warren. Increase protein, decrease carbohydrates. Snack on nuts, fruit, salads, soups, low GI carbs such as sweet potato or brown rice, meat or protein, plus vegetables. Introduce […]
Be calm, focus in: Arepa
With the pressures of day-to-day life, from high expectations at the office to big workloads at home, brain fog, mental fatigue, and stress are everywhere. The expectation to be constantly switched on and to function at a high level is exhausting. Our brains aren’t conditioned to withstand such constant demands. With a desire to help […]
20 minutes could save your life: Annabel Turley
In New Zealand, heart disease kills one person every 90 minutes. Cardiovascular disease can start as early as the second decade of your life and is directly related to your lifestyle choices and genetics. Our goal is to improve the overall health of New Zealanders while making it as accessible and affordable as possible. CardiAction […]