Personalised medicine: Cashel Pharmacy

Do you often feel like health advice is a one-size-fits-all? Or one size fits most? You can now access personalised health advice based on your genetics, it is just a simple cheek swab and a consult away. DNA holds the blueprint for how your body responds to the world around it. At Unichem Cashel Pharmacy, […]

Donate blood this year: NZ Blood

With 2023 well underway, some New Year’s resolutions may have already fallen by the wayside (whoops). It’s not too late, however, to initiate a new lifesaving resolution and start donating blood or plasma right now. Aotearoa needs more than 4000 blood donations each week, but fewer than four percent of the population are donors. Demand […]

Eating and exercise

Millions of people worldwide make resolutions every January, hoping to improve their health. Most wish to lose weight, get fit, or eat healthy, so here are some tips that may help. Getting healthy doesn’t just happen overnight so patience is a virtue in this instance. You will also need to factor in lifestyle choices and […]

Exercise made easy: Rutherford Fitness Canterbury

Most Kiwis have a fitness goal amongst their New Year resolutions. But like clockwork, life catches up with us. T he team at Rutherford Fitness Canterbury have the solution to make all those excuses much harder to give in to. With their extensive range of quality cardio machines and try-before-you-buy system, you can hire different […]

Optimising your sleep

A good sleep is the key to functioning well, however sleeping right through the night eludes many people. Here are some holistic tips to help you sleep well. Use them to balance your sleep and kick in ‘sleepy hormones’ at night. Decide which work the best for you as an individual, and incorporate them into […]

Being mindful

Mindfulness is about living in the moment, and being fully aware of inner and outer experiences. A deliberate action, being mindful may be applied to any number of situations, such as mindful eating, mindful exercise, and being mindful about certain processes. For anyone considering being more mindful, eating is a good start. Take, for instance, […]