Your summer smile: Dentures Plus
Contrary to what people might assume, dentures require regular check-ups just the same as natural teeth do. Obvious signs that indicate dentures need looking at are mouth ulcers, sore gums, or difficulties when eating. Ryan Carlton of Dentures Plus recommends that patients don’t delay in contacting the clinic should any of these symptoms arise. “The […]
Mental health awareness
September marks both World Suicide Prevention Day (10th) and Mental Health Awareness Week (18-24th). It’s an appropriate time to check on those around you and seek help if needed. The Mental Health Awareness Week theme of ‘Five Ways, Five Days’ provides proven tools to boost mental health. Here they are: Monday Take Notice | Me […]
Cutting edge radiology: Beyond Radiology
In the heart of Merivale, an exceptional radiology clinic stands, boasting cutting-edge technology designed to alleviate the anxieties accompanying each individual’s health journey. Beyond Radiology presents an unparalleled journey, catering to the needs of both patients and referring medical professionals, ensuring a top-tier experience for all. “We live and breathe the mantra going above and […]
Women’s WOF
September is Cervical Screening Awareness Month, a timely call for sexually active women aged 25 to 69 to undergo potentially life-saving cervical smear tests, and to consider other health and well-being checks. A cervical smear test plays a pivotal role in the prevention of cervical cancer, providing a chance to identify cellular alterations in the […]
Take charge of your health: Unichem Cashel Pharmacy
The old saying goes, a healthy heart leads to a happy life. Yet, in our fast-paced and often stressful modern world, neglecting the health of our most vital organ is easy. Fortunately, in this age of technological advancements, managing and improving heart health has become easier than ever. Introducing CardiAction, an innovative heart screening and […]
Listen up: Bellbird Hearing
Wearing hearing aids improves adult health-related quality of life, and may help stave off dementia. Hearing is essential for maintaining relationships and connections with friends and family, as well as for fully experiencing life’s events. But as the team at Bellbird Hearing in Ilam explains, hearing loss has also been linked to a range of […]