Strong for summer: Muscle People

Those first hints of summer fill us with excitement, and fires our desire to get active. We want to roll back the years, and maybe even re-enact all our past glories at tennis, running, touch, or waterskiing. Next thing you know, you’ve dived in boots and all. The end result is a niggle in the […]

A better bladder: iWellness

If there is one elephant in the room that nobody wants to talk about – let alone confess to – it is incontinence. For whatever reason causing the incontinence – and the number of reasons can be many – people being affected by it mostly suffer in silence. At iWellness, however, things have changed for […]

Definitive treatment for lipoedema: KM Surgical

Lipoedema is a chronic and often misunderstood disorder of fatty tissue seen mainly in women. Characterised by painful fat accumulation, often in the lower body, this condition not only poses physical challenges but also takes an emotional toll on those living with it. Lipoedema presents in different stages, also known as levels of progression. Those […]

Eating apples may improve memory

Food scientist, clinical nutritionist and health researcher, Dr Vincent Candrawinata says that aside from amazing health benefits, apples, which are rich in phenolics such as flavonoids, may help lower the risk of Alzheimer’s. “Flavonoids are phenolic compounds that can be found in many plant products, including apples and other fruits and vegetables. They have strong […]

Dr Libby says…

Dr Libby is returning to Christchurch in October with her latest tour, Bouncing Back: ways to feel better when you don’t know how. We sat down with her to get her two cents on energy and why it’s such a big issue for so many people. What drives a lack of energy? Most people tend […]

Heart health technology: Unichem Cashel Street

Pulse wave analysis (PWA) machines are the global “gold standard” in non-invasive cardiovascular testing. Cardiovascular disease and stroke are the number one cause of death in New Zealand, with one in 20 adults diagnosed. Cardiovascular disease is predominantly a ‘lifestyle disease’, which means that many heart conditions are preventable, or manageable, with early detection and […]