Experiencing pain at work?

Injury prevention in the workplace should not be an accident.

Your job can take up a large portion of your day, and therefore your everyday life. Equally, success and happiness at work, can be measured by the comfort and optimism you experience daily in your chosen professions. Situations where physical pain or discomfort occur at work directly affect an employee’s physical capability, drive, and personal well-being.

The most common work injuries include slips, trips, falls, overexertion, or hazardous contact with equipment. Statistics show that 80% to 90% of all workplace accidents are caused by human error. Stress or fatigue increases the likelihood of these injuries among workers.
EnableWorks is passionate about creating sustainable productivity for businesses, says Occupational Therapist and Clinical Director, Randa Abbasi. “Injuries are mostly preventable through appropriate industry compatible safety precautions. When measurable and sustainable injury prevention structures are implemented, employees have an environment in which to thrive, a winning formula for success-driven organisations.

The skilled physiotherapists and occupational therapists at EnableWorks can help businesses establish specific injury prevention norms for individuals, as well as for specific work-task teams. This reduces the chance of injuries occurring before employees are unable to perform their job. Staff can undergo an Ergonomic and Safe Work Assessment, where environmental factors, equipment, work positions or working methods are taken into consideration to resolve and revise specific workstation set-up protocols. The objective is to create healthy habits for posture, thereby maintaining the correct neutral spinal alignment. This prevents musculoskeletal disorders or repetitive health related issues from developing, as a result of extended hours spent at the computer. Both remote and on-site staff can gain from this, and its long-term impact relies on ongoing, proactive self-management.

An Early Intervention Assessment helps staff identify and address pain or discomfort before it becomes a bigger problem. This is a vital process and key management tool for any organisation,” says Randa. A valuable Workplace Clinic is a staff wellbeing programme, managed onsite. Specialised therapists meet with the health and safety representative once a month. Any staff members experiencing pain or discomfort can be assessed and given self-management tools and strategies, including ergonomic solutions for problematic work areas.

“This unique, and cost-effective approach establishes trust between staff and their employers, which is key to fostering a positive work environment,” advises Randa, adding; “Investing in staff well-being elevates company productivity and unlocks greater business potential.”

Enabling safe work; Enabling great health.

Did you know?

Statistics show that 80% to 90% of all workplace accidents are caused by human error.



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