Chasing Waterfalls
Despite what the popular girl group TLC told you – sometimes it is appropriate to go chasing waterfalls. In this case, it’s the beautiful waterfalls dotted around North Canterbury, all just a short drive away.
Whether you’re looking for a reason for exercise, an excuse to get out of the house or a backdrop for your next Instagram shot, we’ve got the waterfall whereabouts for you.
Anne’s Falls – Port Hills: This is the closest of our five suggestions – only a 45-minute drive from Christchurch. Pack lunch and enjoy the two-hour return track. A small trek for what seems like a large pay off to see a beautiful horsetail waterfall. Don’t forget to wear appropriate footwear because the track can get a bit steep at times.
Avalanche Creek Falls – Arthur’s Pass National Park: These falls are one of the furthest falls away, but the two-hour drive is the longest part of the journey. The stunning three-part falls totalling 80 metres are just a short five-minute walk from the start of the track. View the lower part from the bridge, middle from the lookout platform and if you want to take in all three leaps – follow the Devil’s Punchbowl Waterfall track for about five minutes, turn around and be astonished.
Devil’s Punchbowl Falls – Arthur’s Pass National Park: While the name does sound a bit daunting, the falls themselves are rather spectacular; spanning 112 metres. Like Avalanche Creek Falls this waterfall is a two-hour drive from Christchurch but the perk is that you get a two-for-one-deal with the falls being very close to each other. If you’re daring enough to venture to the falls during winter, you may see the spot dusted with snow.
Ryde Falls – Oxford: What better company is there to chase waterfalls with than man’s best friend? Lucky for you this walking and biking track allows for dogs, so long as they’re under control at all times. Go searching for that water wonderland hidden in the heart of Oxford.
Washpen Falls – Windwhistle: Sometimes chasing these waterfalls takes more than just a sense of adventure, a car and a leg or two to walk on; in the instance of Washpen Falls, a small fee is required. For $10 per adult and $5 per child (under 15) a track guide and the use of walking sticks is available. Although, this is one of the larger walks – you’ll have to allow for two hours to walk the track and moderate fitness is recommended. But if you wish to do more than just look at the falls, abseiling and giant swings are also available! Take chasing those waterfalls to a whole new level.