Brushes behind the brides

The makeup you wear on your wedding day is crucial. It carries us through the best day of our lives, the smiles, laughs, and tears. It’s what you’ll stare at in your wedding photos for years to come. Just as crucial, is the person applying it. Local makeup artist Kasia Stanicich shares her tips and tricks.

In the bridal industry for six years, Kasia has painted her share of bride’s faces. Starting early many Fridays and Saturdays during peak wedding season, she’s an expert in creating beautiful faces to help brides shine on their special days.

“It’s one of the greatest honours,” she explains. “It’s high energy and high stress, but the idea that someone is willing to trust me with their makeup on such a special day is not something that I take lightly.”

Despite immense pressure on her shoulders, Kasia has her wedding day processes carefully methodised after years of experience. She’s reliability, dependability, and consistency blended together in the form of a makeup artist.

Makeup bag prepared the night prior, all that’s left for Kasia to do in the morning is pick up her brushes from her studio, and a snack along the way. On location, set up only takes a “few moments,” and begins with prepping the bridesmaids. The bride comes second to last, “so she can enjoy those last few moments, have a bubbles and not be the one everyone is waiting for”, Kasia explains.

Following that, it’s final touches and photo opportunities, interspersed with a few tears of her own, before driving back home after an exhausting day. “I’m a little old soul and my body gets a bit run down,” she mentions, but “It’s a dream,” that she wouldn’t have any other way.

For brides-to-be, Kasia recommends following a proper skincare routine prior to the big day. The skin is the largest organ and it’s different for everyone, so it’s hard to know what works.

“In a dream world, I’d be able to recommend a routine that works for everyone,” she comments, but suggests an easy system to start with and refine from there.
Begin with a creamy cleanser morning and night, and remove this with a clean face cloth for gentle exfoliation. Follow with a hydrating essence or mist, and a Hyaluronic Acid serum for maximum plump. Insert any products directly targeted to your own skin concerns here, Kasia says. Then, lock it all in with SPF and a good moisturiser, lighter weight for summer and richer for winter.

With all the work that goes into feeling beautiful on such a big day, those comical moments can still occur. “I try to be realistic with my brides. You’ll cry, you’ll sweat, and if you don’t, dance harder. Your loving but unknowing aunt will give you a huge smooch on the cheek leaving her lip gloss behind.” That’s where her somewhat lifesaving touch-up kits come in. She adds it gives peace of mind and minimises those stressors for her brides.

Kasia’s top wedding-day makeup tips

Prep your skin
A good base layer of makeup needs hydrated skin to start with. “Hydration is key and that is more than two litres a day.”

Wear your SPF, always
Kasia consistently encourages the use of sunscreen, and especially encourages it in wedding skin preparation. In her words: “Don’t even bother if you’re not going to use SPF. It’s like spending months preparing for a job interview and then leaving the house in only your underwear.”

Touch it up
Keep your touch-up kit handy. But remember, it’s your day and you want to look like you, “smile lines and all.”

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