Bottling the Kiwi experience: Breathe Ezy New Zealand
Just over two years ago two colleagues were on a business trip to China. The air was foggy all day and thick with pollution. “Goodness, how I miss the crisp wonderful air of Christchurch’s Port Hills,” Yang Xu lamented to his friend Gerry Walmisley. “Wouldn’t it be marvellous if we could put it in a bag and send it to China?”
A throwaway remark at the time perhaps, but these two entrepreneurs saw the merit in exploring the idea, far-fetched though it seemed. In 2016, Breathe Ezy New Zealand was formed and collecting fresh New Zealand air for export and local sale became a reality.
“We had marvellous support from the Bank of New Zealand who were on board with the concept right from our initial pitch,” Gerry says. “They could see the benefits for a range of people to be able to breathe pure, non-contaminated air.”
Using a large commercial compressor, the company collects fresh air from a range of South Island sites. It is further filtered and decanted into pressurised canisters at the company’s Christchurch base. “We have proved selling fresh air is viable. Now we are taking the business forward by introducing four new products – with additional ingredients added to clean people’s breathing systems.”
The products are Calming Air with lavender and valerian to aid sleep; Cleansing Air with natural decongestant herbs and spices; Special Edition 40 percent Oxygen and Special Edition 60 percent Oxygen. “The oxygen can help reducing stress and increase energy and alertness after strenuous activity.”
Visit www.breathezy.biz for more information.