All chook up

The ins and outs of keeping chickens for fresh eggs at home.

Keeping chickens at home can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience for many people. Not only can they provide fresh eggs, but they can also be entertaining and even educational. However, there are a few things you should consider before embarking on this adventure.
First and foremost, you’ll need a suitable space for your chickens. This will typically include a coop and a run.

The coop should be secure and well-ventilated, and it should provide enough space for your chickens to roost comfortably. The run should be large enough for your chickens to move around freely, but it should also be secure enough to keep other pets and predators out. Bear in mind that you don’t want your chickens terrorising your cat or dog either, so this needs to be taken into account.

A popular myth is that chickens eat pretty much anything – and in some cases they will, including chicken. But that doesn’t mean they don’t need specific nutrients. A percentage of their diet must be made up of calcium and amino acids from a ‘layer mash’ feed.

They also require at least 18 percent crude protein in their diet or you run the risk of your chickens becoming cannibalistic. Make sure that you’re not giving them anything, such as avocado or chocolate, that’s toxic to chickens. Additionally, they will need fresh water daily.
Another essential aspect of keeping chickens is ensuring they have proper healthcare.

This includes regular check-ups and vaccinations, as well as any necessary treatments for diseases or pests. It’s a good idea to establish a relationship with a local veterinarian who specialises in poultry.

One of the downsides of keeping chickens is the noise and smell. Roosters can be incredibly loud, and many urban areas forbid rooster ownership for that reason. Famously, chickens do tend to smell pretty bad, however, this can be mitigated by keeping their coop and run clean.

Another consideration is the cost of keeping chickens. You’ll need to purchase a coop, regular feed, bedding, and other accessories. The ongoing cost of chicken feed and healthcare should also be factored into your budget. If the only reason for ownership is saving money on eggs, then you may be surprised that the ongoing costs can balance this out.

It’s essential to consider local by-laws and regulations regarding keeping chickens in your area. Some cities and towns have specific zoning laws that dictate how many chickens you can have, and where you can keep them. It’s important to research these regulations before starting your chicken-keeping venture.

It pays to do your homework before embarking on chicken keeping. For every positive and encouraging story you hear, there is one that will send you running for the hills.

Fresh eggs daily
Low maintenance
Natural pest control
Fun and educational for children
Can be integrated into a sustainable lifestyle

Noise and odour can be an issue for neighbours
Risk of disease and parasites
Potential for predators to attack chickens
Local bylaws may restrict chicken keeping
The need to clean and maintain the coop regularly.



Chickens can recognise people’s faces. Studies have found they react more favourably to ‘beautiful’ faces (symmetrical and proportionate).

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