A smile to love: Lovebite
Getting dentures can be a daunting prospect, and the last thing patients want is a generic, or ‘horsey’ smile, says internationally renowned clinical dental technician, Richard Greenlees of Christchurch practice, Lovebite.
“People get new or replacement dentures for many reasons, but one thing is true for every patient; they want to love the new smile reflected back to them in the mirror and feel confident when they go out into the world.” Richard creates expertly crafted bespoke dentures, which are unique to every patient. “Teeth are as different as fingerprints and vary greatly depending on a person’s age, sex and race. I work one-on-one with patients to create a smile that allows them to feel like themselves again. My dentures also provide the correct support and structure to give them a more youthful appearance.”
As a reference while he works, Richard often uses his patients’ own photographs showing their natural smile. His dentures are like artworks, with each tooth individually crafted with colouring and small nuances to match his patients’ individuality and character.
Not only do Lovebite teeth look real, the whole structure and shape of a patient’s face is transformed with Richard’s top-of-the-line dentures – which feature his signature ‘denture lift’. “With appropriate facial support, the facial tissues are brought back into the correct position, lips are reformed and beauty is restored,” he says.

It is the interior architecture of a Lovebite denture that helps to create a more youthful appearance by recovering the face and skeletal shape that can be lost after years of wearing old dentures. To achieve these results, Richard has created world-leading techniques, which are now internationally recognised. He is regularly asked to lecture worldwide, and in April was the keynote speaker at the international DTG Symposium in Frankfurt, where he demonstrated his unique methods on a Christchurch patient, flown to Germany by the event organisers.
His vast experience includes 15 years running his own clinic in the prestigious Harley Street, London, where he treated people from all walks of life, from barrow boys to the rich and famous, politicians, actors and musicians. In addition to dentures, Richard also carries out crown and bridge, veneer and implant work, in conjunction with like-minded dental surgeons who complement his creative and aesthetic work.
There is nothing more satisfying for Richard than to see his patients leave the Lovebite studio with a beautiful new smile, and their self-confidence and identity restored. https://lovebite.com/