Big property market changes are here: Nathan Miglani, NZ Mortgages

July certainly started with a bang.

We saw the Bright-line changes come into play, DTIs introduced and LVR restrictions loosened at all the banks. These opportunities are making the market more accessible for both first home buyers and property investors.

Nathan Miglani, Director NZ Mortgages

If you are looking at purchasing your first home, now is certainly the time. As interest rates are predicated to fall towards the end of the year/start of next year, buying now means you can expect lower house prices combined with imminent reduction in your interest rates.

As the market heats up, property investors will be competing with those first home buyers as well, so it is best to get in now before the market gets increasingly crowded. If you are a property investor, with the changes introduced it is more appealing than ever to purchase your first investment.

The $550-$750k mark in Christchurch is certainly ready for more buyers, and we can help you get the best deal on your home loan.

Get in touch with our team at or call us at 0800 100 300 to make the most of the market’s changes.

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