Metropol Inspire: Embrace wellbeing

Welcome to the first of our fortnightly Metropol Inspire pages. Our aim is to bring you inspirational stories, and advice to help you discover the magic of expectation, learn how to ground yourself, and more.

Each fortnight, Metropol Inspire will help you nourish your mind, body, and soul, passing on advice from experts in their fields, and true-life experiences.

Try this:

Practising gratitude is a proven wellness tool, to help you enter a space of greater joy and satisfaction. Challenge yourself to choose and write down three things you are grateful for each morning or night. Think of the people, things, and experiences that you feel lucky to have in your life, and journal what it was and how it made you feel.

Each day, take these feelings a step further and discover a deeper appreciation for the things around you. Use this daily practice as a daily promise to yourself, a few intentional moments set aside for yourself.

Inspired advice with Chris and Margie, co-founders of Inspire Me Women

In the whirlwind of daily life, as women we often find ourselves juggling a myriad of demands and responsibilities, unknowingly neglecting the crucial act of self-care.

Our first column, introduces you to the concept of ‘cherry on top’ moments, to elevate your energy and happiness. As women navigating the many complexities of our lives, we’re familiar with the challenge of making time for ourselves. How often are we told to prioritise self-care yet don’t follow that through? It comes down to mindset and a willingness to embrace change.

We propose scheduling ‘cherry on top’ daily appointments in your phone or paper diary. This is a dedicated time for you and your personal wellbeing. They’re more than just scheduled breaks, they are intentional pauses in your day to engage in an activity that brings a sense of you, for you.

Whether it’s a walk, a moment of quiet, a run or stretch to invigorate your body, the duration is less important than the impact it has on you. Acknowledging the unique challenges faced by parents with young children, we empathise with the difficult task of finding time for yourself. We are real advocates of guilt-free moments during their down time or naps, having raised six children between us. We know how important it is to refill your energy tank.

Life, without these cherry moments, can deplete our energy. Our advice serves as a reminder to refill those energy tanks regularly, promoting a motivated, happier, more focused version of yourself.

If you find that the rhythm of ‘cherry on top’ moments slips, then take our invitation to recalibrate your mindset and prioritise self nourishment. As advocates for connecting women to their inner happiness, motivation, inspiration, and balance, our future columns will delve into a range of topics that resonate with us all.

Every cherry on top contributes to a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Inspired Events

27 JUN: After 5
23 JUL: Breakfast with Annie Crombieon menopause
27 AUG: Breakfast
Book Tickets at:

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