Future proofing your fertility: Fertility Associates

Egg freezing is an opportunity. It’s a small task now, that sets up your future self with the option to choose.

“There are a lot of professional women, who are ‘head down, bum up,’ building their careers. As a result, the biological clock ticks away in the background,” Fertility Associates’ Val Graham says.
Choosing when to start or continue a family is incredibly unique.

The magical thing about egg freezing is that the age at which the eggs are taken stays frozen in time. This means the egg quality won’t worsen over the years, offering the time and energy now to focus on finding ‘Mr Right,’ pursuing a career, or waiting for any other reason. When it is right, the eggs will be there and waiting. “If things happen later down the track, the options are there,” the Fertility Associates team confirm. Having the knowledge that you have eggs waiting to be used at a later date takes the pressure off busy career-focused women.

The method involves all the steps of an IVF cycle, including egg collection, before freezing by vitrification.

The team explain that the degeneration of genetic material that comes with ageing is an unfortunate thing. Aneuploid embryos and chromosomal structural rearrangement, amongst other genetic issues, can greatly impact implantation and fertilisation. From age 37 especially, these problems are much more likely to arise. A helpful tool is their biological clock online. This easy accessory gives an indication of natural conception abilities per month with no fertility issues, IVF success rate at the same age, and when to seek help after months of unsuccessful attempts. It answers the nagging question, providing the reassurance on what your next steps should be.

Egg freezing saves you money later on in life, if fertility issues are to arise, and gives choices.

In addition, egg and sperm freezing can make a huge impact for women or men going through cancer treatment. With radiology damaging genetic material and gametes, and in some cases causing complete sterilisation, Fertility Associates can freeze eggs and sperm prior to chemotherapy. Further, the government pays for this process for those going through chemotherapy.

“They will have a better chance of being able to have a family one day. Sometimes, you won’t lose all function, but very often you do,” the team say.

Getting started shouldn’t add any extra pressure. The Fertility Associates Christchurch clinic have multiple fertility specialists to book a consultation with, to discuss and form the plan ahead.


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