Lest we forget

It was an early start, but it was so good to be part of the recent ANZAC Day Dawn Service, held in Cathedral Square for the first time since the earthquakes.

I felt honoured to gather with members of the public, veterans, and members of our armed forces to help commemmorate New Zealand’s 1915 Gallipoli campaign.

Phil Mauger, Mayor of Christchurch

The newly reinstated Citizens’ War Memorial was a stunning backdrop to the service.

Christchurch has poured a lot of heart and soul into restoring the memorial, alongside a team of talented stonemasons, and I was so proud to stand alongside Princess Anne back in February this year for its rededication.

The ANZAC Day service is always a moving one. Laying a wreath alongside New Zealand’s armed forces, and ending the service with the playing of The Last Post, a minute’s silence, and the sound of the national anthem always make me stop and reflect.

As a council, we have a couple of big decisions to make coming up.

We will be adopting the Annual Plan in June, and our proposed Housing and Business Choice Plan Change (PC14) is out for consultation until 3 May.

We’ve received more than 800 submissions on the draft Annual Plan, and around 150 submissions on PC14 so far.
Thank you for taking the time to submit – these decisions impact all of us and we need your views to help give us a steer.

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