The marketing tool you need: Metros Marketing
An incredibly effective email marketing tool that not enough businesses are utilising is EDM, or Electronic Direct Mail. There are big benefits for using EDMs, and a few tricks to making them super effective.
Whether it’s a promotion, a company update, or a newsletter, it is important that EDMs are sent out in a timely and consistent manner, to ensure that your brand is at the forefront of customers’ minds. You can’t expect customers to use your service immediately, so consistency is key.
• EDMs are cost-effective and allow you to reach a wide audience for little investment.
• You can build stronger relationships with customers as EDMs create an opportunity to understand your customer’s habits, with lots of data available for you to see what they respond best to.
• You can easily target a specific audience and demographic who receive your EDMs.
• Ensure your EDMs are simple, straight to the point, and valuable to your customers.
• As more consumers heavily rely on their mobiles now, they will most likely view your EDMs on that too, so ensure it is compatible and easy to view on smartphones.
• Ensure you have a specific purpose for what you want users to do and think when they receive your EDMs. This is what in marketing is called a ‘call-to-action’.
If you need help setting up your EDMs, and don’t know where to start, get in touch with Michael on 027 812 7663 or michael@metros.co.nz