The Influencers: Ross Steele
Feeling optimistic
This month, Te Pae Christchurch hosted it’s 100th event – a milestone we did not expect to achieve so soon after opening.
W hile there are a couple of reasons to achieve this in such a short space of time, the overwhelming feedback we’ve had, and certainly what is showing in our bookings, is that there has been a pent-up demand for Christchurch and its many wonderful attributes, which can now be realised post-Covid-19.
It’s why our city is bucking national accommodation trends and reporting steady increases in room nights, and why the past few past 4-5 months have seen a whirlwind of activity, both for us and across the city.
It’s also why, after a number of tough years, we are noticing a growing sense of optimisim.
With Covid-19 restrictions soon to be a distant memory, and as our city heads into spring – surely one of the most beautiful times to be in Christchurch – there is a sense that the positive momentum is only going to keep increasing.
With ChristchurchNZ undertaking an ambitious and exciting new project to define our identity, the city set to host some of its most popular events over the coming months and fantastic new infrastructure such as Parakiore and Te Kaha on the horizon, there’s never been a better time to visit Christchurch – something event organisers are discovering if our future bookings are anything to go by.